Sunday 2 August 2015

It's August Peeps...

noun: the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others
Albert Schweitzer spent most of his life doing missionary work as a doctor in Africa, seeking no reward, apparently motivated only by altruism.

noun: a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right)
Even as the dishwasher at the French restaurant, Josh quickly learned that he had the perquisite of being able to eat terrific food for half the price diners would pay.

verb: achieve something by means of trickery or devious methods
Steven was able to finagle one of the last seats on the train by convincing the conductor that his torn stub was actually a valid ticket.

adjective: immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with
As a child, Amy would build pillow castles and pretend they were impregnablefortresses.

adjective: to be wandering; not sticking to a circumscribed path
Unlike his peers, who spent their hours studying in the library, Matthew preferred errant walks through the university campus.

Saturday 1 August 2015

sharing session by le Seniors,I attended a talk,no so talk where our seniors who are studying in the States came down to our place and share their experiece over there.We were so excited to know what's the difference over there.There were about 10 of them if I'm not mistaken and each one of them are from different colleges.There's also one of them who had graduated recently.They look cool but you don't actually want to judge from their appearance coz they are really brilliant tho.πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…..How would you face the people who invite you for a religious event when they are done such as in the church?will you accept their invitation?That was the first question by Maryam's brother.What was in my head at that time I'm sure there's no harm to join them just don't follow how they pray.Make sure before joining them our Iman is strong enough to endure any obstacle that might happen during their rituals.We can learn their culture but not to follow how their prayers are done..Bear in mind learning are harmless but if you are a person who are not strong enough you should stay out from joining other religions events especially to the muslim women.On top of that, they showed us a video titled 'praying in public' .I were so amazed where the American are way different than the Malaysians.There,they respect when the muslims are praying infront of the public and the funniest part when there were two boys who followed how a muslim man prays in the public and at the end they asked , "what were you doing?yoga huh?"😝😝..Then the muslim man answered "no,I was praying "and that two boys said "it was cool man".However in Malaysia, we can see none of them who prays in public because we are afraid that people will say "poyo la that girl or guy".well,that's maybe how we were mentally set up or maybe it is easy to find for mosque in Malaysia compare to the States. Well,all in all make sure we are mentally and physically prepared before stepping yet leaving in people's home.I really enjoyed the talk .

Friday 31 July 2015

End of July

adjective: under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon
Until the corporate office hands down a definitive decision on use of the extra offices, we will share their use in a provisional arrangement

noun: an aggressive takeover by a group (usually military); the group that executes such a takeover
As dangerous of a threat as North Korea is, some analysts believe that were a juntasuddenly to gain power, it could be even more unpredictable and bellicose than the current leadership

verb: to pester
Badgered by his parents to find a job, the 30-year-old loafer instead joined a gang of itinerant musicians.

adjective: carelessly and hastily put together
The office building had been constructed in a slapdash manner, so it did not surprise officials when, during a small earthquake, a large crack emerged on the faΓ§ade of the building.

noun: an unstated doubt that prevents you from accepting something wholeheartedly
I was initially excited by the idea of a trip to Washington, D.C. but now that I have read about the high crime statistics there, I have some reservations.

Thursday 30 July 2015

What a miserable day!

verb: attribute or credit to
History ascribes The Odyssey and The Iliad to Homer, but scholars now debate whether he was a historical figure or a fictitious name.

verb: deprive of voting rights
The U.S. Constitution disenfranchisedwomen until 1920 when they were given the right to vote.

adjective: done before someone else can do it
Just as Martha was about to take the only cookie left on the table, Noah preemptively swiped it.

adjective: ill-mannered and coarse or contemptible in behavior or appearance
Bukowski was known for being a boorishdrunk and alienating close friends and family.

adjective: stopping and starting at irregular intervals
The intermittent thunder continued and the night was punctuated by cracks of lightning—a surreal sleepless night.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Challenges awaits

Yesterday we had presentations about culture of different countries such as South Korea,UEA and Japan..We learned about wht not to do in their country that might offend the native there.It's kind a funny but you better not to do it or else you'll see what will happen.haha.Today I presented about Aussies who don't really get in with the kiwis.One of the element in our presentation was about what Aussies love to hate.First, the kangroos that seems to be a cute animal to us is totally not to the aussies as to them this creature will crash their cars by jumping out from nowhere.Next is the hand gesture that seems to be rude to them where the sign peace raised with our palm outwards is similarly to raising a middle finger to the aussies but to the americans it means "peace" or "victory".Right after that Miss Jo took over and showed us a few slides with questions for us to ponder and as a preparation before we face it in the States.The questions are based on what our previous seniors had experienced then even miss jo had experienced it..It's not easy as how we think to study abroad.There's a lot of challenges awaits us.Kind a freaked me out when she was telling her experience finding for food..Then the homesick's not easy to come back to Malaysia..Need to be physically yet mentally prepared.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

what a day eiii

adjective: marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness
As soon as he arrived in the city, the rakishyoung man bought some drugs and headed straight for the seedy parts of town.

adjective: expressed as worthless or in negative terms
Never before have we seen a debate between two political candidates that was so derogative and filthy.

adjective: without partiality
Teachers often have trouble being evenhanded to all of their varied students.

noun: a person who dislikes women in particular
Many have accused Hemingway of being a quiet misogynist, but recently unearthed letters argue against this belief.

adjective: being attentive to women like an ideal knight
Marco's chivalrous ways, like opening doors and pulling out chairs, was much appreciated by his date.

Monday 27 July 2015

it's class bby after a loonngg break

noun: a wild, confusing fight or struggle
After enduring daily taunts about my name, I became enraged and pummeled the schoolyard bully and his sycophantic friends in a brutal melee.

noun: an abusive rant (often tedious)
Joey had difficulty hanging out with his former best friend Perry, who, during his entire cup of coffee, enumerated all of the government’s deficiencies--only to break ranks and launch into some screed against big business.


Adjective: boring and too slow or long
a long and tedious staff meeting

adjective: involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct
cerebral analysis of most pop music finds it to be simple and childish, but that ignores the point--the music's effect on the listener.

noun: the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others
Albert Schweitzer spent most of his life doing missionary work as a doctor in Africa, seeking no reward, apparently motivated only by altruism.