Monday, 25 May 2015

Replacing the day i didnt update

verb: make something intense less severe
Her fear that the new college would be filled with unknown faces was assuaged when she recognized her childhood friend standing in line.

adjective: sturdy and strong in form, constitution, or construction
Chris preferred bland and mild beers, but Bhavin preferred a beer with more robustflavor.

verb: harass, as with questions or requests; cause to feel distressed or worried
After discovering a priceless artifact in her backyard, Jane was besieged by phone calls, emails, and reporters all trying to buy, hold or see the rare piece of history.

verb: reduce the quality or value of something
The third-rate script so debased the film that not even the flawless acting could save it from being a flop.

adjective: use to the limit; exhaust
The hike to the summit of Mt. Whitney was so taxing that I could barely speak or stand up.

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