adjective: Unspoiled, untouched (usu. of nature)
The glacial lake was pristine and we filled our canteens to drink deeply.
adjective: Immaculately clean and unused
Drill sergeants are known for demanding pristine cabinets, uniforms, and beds, and often make new recruits clean and clean and clean until they meet the expected high standards.
noun: a characteristic language of a particular group
To those with little training in medicine, the jargon of doctors can be very difficult to understand.
verb: resist
The profits at our firm bucked the general downturn that affected the real estate industry.
adjective: marked by active interest and enthusiasm
Martin is an avid birdwatcher, often taking long hikes into remote mountains to see some rare eagle.
verb: to trick or swindle
Once again a get-rich-fast Internet scheme had duped Harold into submitting a $5,000 check to a sham operation.
noun: a person who is easily tricked or swindled
The charlatan mistook the crowd for a bunch of dupes, but the crowd was quickly on to him and decried his bald-faced attempt to bilk them.
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